Patreon Super Supporters: Drew Meltzer, Nelson Forshaw, Gavin Tante, Hayden (The Exile) Brown, LavenderSheep, Jungkook's bae, Stijn Van der Slagmolen, hymenbuster1, Sam Thomas, Lauri Ketola, TheUnusualArt, Elphie Coyle, Whion, Stormblade, Kirby, Namir, Jacob W Lies, Ethan Johnson, drew u didt say my last name, Furry Cruz Let me know if you'd want to see HOI3 or a March of the Eagles video on the channel! But by the end we will be left with about 6 (there is a pretty clear winner though). We start this video in Millennium Dawn with released nations.
The Battle Royale mod is the best blob mod in the HOI4 workshop! Each nation only goes to war with one neighbor at a time, allowing powers around the world to gradually build.